


从V3版本开始,MetaStudio部分代码使用C++写的,并封装成XPCOM,调用Gecko API,MetaStudio是否能够安装到某个FireFox浏览器上,要看他们的编译环境是否一致,详细原因参见Using the Gecko SDK,摘录如下:

The frozen Gecko API consists of a set of component interfaces (C++ vtables) and extern "C" symbols exported from the XPCOM library and the NSPR libraries. The ABI of the component interfaces depends on the C++ ABI of the host compiler (i.e., the vtable format and calling conventions of the virtual methods may vary from compiler to compiler). The Gecko ABI is therefore compiler sensitive. (about:buildconfig can be loaded in Mozilla to reveal details about the compiler that was used.)

所以,当前MetaStudio只能安装在Linux和Windows上,与Firefox 2.x和Firefox 3.0配套,详细参见安装手册
